четверг, 9 января 2020 г.


In the future, marker measurements are expected to be provided, as well as triggering options edge, level, mask. The PoScope mega1 is the world's first low-cost PC-based bit mixed-signal oscilloscope, which provides the features of many benchtop instruments in one USB-powered compact box: With 12k bytes sample data buffer in buffer mode and virtually unlimited buffer in pipe mode, you can view plenty of information. Technical Characteristics Oscilloscope Number of channels: Mega1 and Mega50 logic port pinout. poscope 4

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Logic analyzer captures up to 16 digital inputs and gathers data for further analysis.

Pozcope processing unit provides fast and smooth data acquisition and graphics drawing. PoScope Mega1 is lowest power consumption USB oscilloscope, function generator and logic analyzer in one on the market.

We use cookies to ensure that we plscope you the best experience on our website. The PoScope software version 4's multi-window capability allows you to connect additional PoScope devices at the same time.

All those features together makes PoScope4 extremely modular, fast and easy to use.

poscope 4

Technical Characteristics Oscilloscope Number of channels: The PoScope mega1 is the world's first low-cost PC-based opscope mixed-signal oscilloscope, which provides the features of many benchtop instruments in one USB-powered compact box: This product was added to our catalog on Monday 11 June, Customers who bought this product also purchased.

Description Additional information Downloads Description PoScope Mega1 poscopr lowest power consumption USB oscilloscope, function generator and logic analyzer in one on the market.

PoScope4 (free download)

PoScope Mega1 bundle quantity. Additionally, the USB interface allows posckpe to record, output, import, export and print all waveforms or even update the firmware as new features become available. Users can find more tutorials on our Youtube channel. Sine, Square, Saw, Triangle Max. If you continue to use this site we will assume that you are happy with it.

PoScope Mega1 - USB oscilloscope, function generator and logic analyzer - Polabs

Tell someone you know about this product. The Logic Analyzer offers a useful channel, 1kHz to 10MHz recording, with 8 channels still available if the internal 8-channel pattern generator is on. List of all our Products. In poacope future, marker measurements are expected to be provided, as well as triggering options edge, level, mask.

poscope 4

Function generator is capable of generating different pattern test signals with frequency up to 12,5kHz and maximum amplitude of 1,8V. Write a review on this product! For an overview of the PoScope4 software, download the PoScope4 software user guide.

Oscilloscope Probe, 60MHz, Enter keywords to find the product you are looking for in the Quick Find field above or use Advanced Search. Users can get more informations about PoScope4 and Mega1 in this manual. The Chart Recorder can record and display signals from 0. PC oscilloscope PoScope Mega1 is really powerful pocket size device which will save your time, money and make your work with measurments much easier.

Mega1 and Mega50 logic port pinout. With 12k bytes sample data buffer in buffer mode and virtually unlimited buffer in pipe mode, you can view plenty of information. The Spectrum Analyzer feature offers marker measurements, distortion measurement, and various filtering options.

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