среда, 8 января 2020 г.


In , Haiti was the first French-speaking country to host the festival during ten days. Their presentation was the icing on the cake of an incredible masquerade sequence. The group sang a medley of local and regional chutney songs. Uncheck if you are using a shared device. Paloma Mohamed told Stabroek News last evening as the curtains came down on the opening ceremony. They were simply beautiful bringing colour and graceful movements to the stage. carifesta xi theme song

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So, many of us will be in Barbados in four months to take part in this great gathering that celebrates arts resulting from the intermingling of cultures and peoples from America, Europe, Africa and Asia in our Caribbean region…. Log in for full access to stabroeknews. There was also a traditional Queh Queh welcome and later in the programme came a maticore, between them they represented traditional ceremonies that are held before marriage in the African and Hindu communities respectively.

This new regional event was inspired by the Festival de Artes del Caribe Festival of Caribbean Artsrealized in Puerto Rico in and considered the first international exhibition celebrating the Caribbean artistic creation.

Others liked Trinidad and Tobago burst onto the ground with excitement, beating drums and dancing as if hot with Carnival fever. It was among the more special performances of the opening. As her voice soared across the stadium the performers covered the ground in a grand display signalling the end. Their act was immediately followed by a masquerade group from Trinidad which aroused much interest when one of the performers, the Blue Devil, stormed on the stage blowing fire.

Opening Ceremony Carifesta XI in Suriname - video dailymotion

InCuba was the first Spanish-speaking country to organize it on its territory and the festivities lasted two weeks. But the show ended appropriately with rising Guyanese singer Lisa Punch performing her infectious Carifesta theme song.

Some Guyanese who wanted in on the action got up from their seats shaking and from a few corners waving little Trinidad flags. Trinidad and Tobago, Guyana and Suriname are also among the countries that have hosted the biggest festival of arts and culture aong the Caribbean. Their presentation was the icing on the cake of an incredible masquerade sequence. This budget is certainly very substantial but, thanks to these thousands of visitors expected, the island expects to generate more economic activity particularly in the sectors of transport, hotel and restaurant.

The Yoruba singers followed with a lively performance that seemed to have thdme persons in attendance who were part of the inaugural Cagifesta backed by an amazing piece steel band and the Classique and X Factor dancers with fireworks as her backdrop wrapped up the evening in fine style.

About fifteen countries have already announced their skng, more than 3, thee and craftpeople are expected on the island. Some walked out waving flags and smiling as the then sparse crowd at the stadium welcomed them.

Next To advertise on Kariculture. Paloma Mohamed told Stabroek News last evening as the curtains came down on the opening ceremony. It was hardly a gala with the chutney band and the popular local Shakti String Orchestra kicked off a combined chutney presentation with singer Celia Samaroo, a well known chutney artist in the forefront of everything.

CARIFESTA XIII : Barbados promises an explosion of culture

The songs spoke of the bounties of the region particularly about food. The group sang a medley of local and regional chutney songs. Dance sequences followed this with over 1, local dancers taking over the stage to perform various numbers.

The chant is rare and is passed on from the spirits craifesta several initiation rights in the indigenous culture.

carifesta xi theme song

Aspara, a new Indian dance phenomenon in Guyana, backed the singers. There were no parachuters as promised owing to the blustery weather conditions that lashed the stadium for just over an hour pushing back the starting time but there were the CLICO fireworks- an impressive display that lit up the night sky like fresh hope.

What could have been had there been a smooth execution is themr question that lingers and though the night seemed to have dragged on rather than flowed there was that feeling that something special was going to happen at some stage, and it did when First Born stood before their home crowd to blaze a trail of Carifesta glory.

Designers Michelle Cole-Rose and Trevor Rose outfitted many of the dancers with costumes that were beautiful to look at, particularly those that the younger children wore.

Carifesta X

Their style, traditional African folk rhythms, was a wonderful complement to the proceedings. What zong was a performance of dancers from the Guyana Hindu Dharmic Sabha under the direction of Dr. The ceremony was broadcast live on CaribVision, the pan-Caribbean television, and on the Internet. But while this was unfolding a parade of local models filled the stage showcasing dazzling Guyanese fashion.

carifesta xi theme song

Little butterflies and buttercups floated across the ground at Providence dancing to music that at times was inaudible. Carifesta X kicked off at the National Stadium yesterday with some stellar performances in an hours-long programme that dragged on amid a sometimes inaudible sound system. The creation of this festival was difficult but, in recent years, it takes place more regularly, every two or three years. The local masquerade group, which was the centrepiece of the opening ceremony, delivered.

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